2018 Grantees

Each grant is made possible by a network of thousands of donors giving what they can to support movements for justice.

Black-led, Black-centered Organizing Fund Grantees

The Black-led, Black-centered Organizing Fund is a special fund at Bread & Roses. The Fall 2017 Giving Project members raised money from their friends and family to make $130,000 in grants to 13 grassroots groups doing Black-led, Black-centered organizing in our region.

Agape African Senior Services Center enables immigrant and refugee seniors to live independently by facilitating peer support groups.

Amistad Law Project is a prison abolition legal organization that provides legal services to incarcerated people and organizes for community restorative justice. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Black and Brown Workers Cooperative organizes displaced Black residents to form strategies to resist gentrification. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Concerned Citizens of Point Breeze is a group of neighbors working to promote racial and economic justice by addressing gentrification and displacement through advocacy and education. | Facebook

PhillySUN, a program of Media Mobilizing Project, organizes parents and community members in Southwest Philadelphia to envision improvements in their schools, neighborhoods, and across the city.  | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Parents United for Public Education is a citywide group of Philadelphia parents fighting for equitable public school funding at the neighborhood, district, city, and state levels. | Website | Facebook

Philadelphia Student Union is growing the power of young people to demand a high quality education in the Philadelphia public school system. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Reconstruction, Inc is a constituent-led organization advancing racial, economic, and environmental justice by politicizing returning citizens, organizing young people, and educating members. | Website | Facebook

Soil Generation is a Black & Brown-led coalition of gardeners, farmers, and grassroots groups building power and relationships to regain collective control of land and food. | Website | Facebook | Instagram

Urban Creators is a grassroots organization rooted in North Philadelphia that transforms neglected landscapes into dynamic, safe spaces that foster connectivity and self-sufficiency. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Wholistic.art produces art events, community design charrettes, youth programs, and community-centered public art installations in North Philadelphia. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Snapchat

Womanist Working Collective is a social action and support collective of Black womyn, both cis & trans, and gender variant folks using community organizing, philanthropy, and self-care to dismantle systems of oppression. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Youth Art & Self-empowerment Project (YASP) is a youth-led organization that empowers currently and formerly incarcerated young people through artistic expression, political education, and leadership development. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Future Fund Grantees

The Future Fund supports organizations that are working on emerging issues or developing new approaches to social justice activism. These groups may employ one or more effective strategies, including cultural work, media advocacy, and political education. You can learn more about eligibility criteria and see past grantees.

The People’s Paper Co-op is a women-led, women-focused project at the Village of Arts and Humanities that uses art and organizing strategies to connect incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women’s stories, dreams, and visions for a more just society. | Website | Facebook | Instagram

Philadelphia Reentry Think Tank  connects returning citizens with artists and advocates to transform the stereotypes, social services, and platforms that impact their lives and communities.| Website

The Philadelphia Reproductive Health Collaborative at Women’s Medical Fund combats the harmful impact of crisis pregnancy centers that inhibit pregnant people from accessing comprehensive reproductive health care. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

The Advocate Center for Culture and Education unites community residents, volunteers, service providers, and educational institutions to improve the lives and well-being of North Philadelphia residents. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Urban Tree Connection works with neighborhoods to develop community-driven greening and gardening projects on vacant land, help residents become strong leaders, foster deep community cohesion, and ultimately create livable communities. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

UrbEd fights for high-quality education for urban students by working with community members, educational organizations, and policy leaders. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Why Not Prosper supports women reentering society after incarceration and builds their power to advocate for access to healthcare and other pressing needs. | Website | Twitter

Youth HEALers Stand Up! is a collective of young people committed to sparking and maintaining a youth-led movement to fight youth homelessness and housing insecurity in Philadelphia and beyond. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project (YSRP) works to transform the experiences of children prosecuted in the adult criminal justice system and aims to eliminate the practice of sentencing children as adults. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

Gender Justice Fund Grantees

The Gender Justice Fund is a special fund at Bread & Roses. The 2018 Gender Justice Giving Project members raised money from their friends and family to make grants to 14 grassroots groups that are mobilizing women, girls, transgender, and gender non-conforming people to make real change.

The African Family Health Organization (AFAHO) supports African and Caribbean immigrants and refugee women who are organizing their communities around ending female genital mutilation. | Website | Facebook

Black and Brown Workers Cooperative organizes Black women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming workers to fight for the economic and social liberation. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

The Frankie Project at Why Not Prosper runs a series of workshops for formerly incarcerated transgender women that develops their leadership and teaches advocacy skills. | Website | Twitter

Girls Rock Philly promotes gender justice by meeting the creative, social, and emotional needs of girls, trans, and gender non-conforming youth.
| Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Her Philly Moves is a platform that promotes visibility and greater inclusion of queer and trans women of color by fostering safer spaces and shaping narratives by using art as a tool to promote social change. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Sisterly L.O.V.E. at the Mazzoni Center is a program led by trans women that organizes, advocates, and develops community leaders in the movement for transgender justice. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

The People’s Paper Co-op at the Village of Arts and Humanities is a women-led, women-focused project that uses art and organizing strategies to connect incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women’s stories, dreams, and visions for a more just society. | Website | Facebook | Instagram

Philadelphia Community Bail Fund posts bail for residents who cannot afford to pay bail and organizes for the abolition of bail and pretrial detention in our city. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

The Philadelphia Reproductive Health Collaborative at Women’s Medical Fund mobilizes to combat the harmful impact of crisis pregnancy centers. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Project SAFE ensures the health, safety, and survival of people working in Philadelphia’s sex industry by providing education, advocacy, and support. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

The Sappho and LaRoyce Foundation elevates, educates, and empowers lesbian, queer, transgender, and bisexual women of color to heal by providing resources to make healthy decisions for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. | Website

The Trans Equity Project at Galaei organizes and builds the leadership of trans people and creates a new vision for community health. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Womanist Working Collective is a social action and support collective for Black womyn (both cis & trans), femmes, & gender non-conforming folks that is developing grassroots solutions for pervasive issues that affect their lives. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Women’s Community Revitalization Project is building the leadership of low-income women in order to use their power to ensure that those running for office in the 2019 City Council and mayoral primary elections include affordable housing and development without displacement in their platforms. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Opportunity Fund Grantees

Opportunity Fund grants are intended for special projects or emergencies that are not part of an organization’s ongoing work. These activities are frequently in response to rapidly emerging issues and might include: demonstrations and rallies, coalition activities, conferences/forums, outreach materials. These grants are offered monthly. You can learn about eligibility criteria here and see past grantees.

Art Sphere, Inc provided adult art education focusing on African American, Native American, and African art. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Asian Americans United sent nine youth and one adult staff member to attend the first ever “Beyond our Boundaries Summit” in Chicago, where they collaborated with other Asian American youth organizers to develop an Asian American Youth Organizing Platform. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Camp Sojourner, Girls’ Leadership Camp organized the 6th Annual Sojourner Truth Walk on May 5, 2018. The Sojourner Truth Walk brings community members together across race and class and provides political education on female leadership in resistance movements. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

cinéSPEAK, in partnership with Black Lives Matter presented Louis Massiah’s documentary Bombing of Osage Ave at Malcolm X Park in West Philadelphia. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Coalition of African Communities (Africom) responded to increased fear around immigration enforcement by hosting a forum for African community leaders to meet pro bono legal service providers. | Website

Disabled in Action received support for ASL interpretation at Disability Pride, an annual celebration of diversity within the disability community.  | Website | Facebook

Her Philly MOVES created an public art installation that explicitly called out Gayborhood racism and the intentional suppression of the voices of queer people of color. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Neighborhood Bike Works responded to police harassment of Black youth members by collaborating with Up Against the Law Legal Collective to host a Know Your Rights training for the community. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Neighbors Against the Gas Plants supported residents’ legal fees to participate in an appeals hearing that could revoke SEPTA’s permission to build and operate a natural gas power plant in Germantown. | Website | Facebook

Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance (PACA) sent a staff member to attend the 2018 Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) conference to learn more about grassroots fundraising for social justice and to connect with leaders across movements. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) organized a “Frontline Defenders Meeting” to educate members of the Kensington community about the budget cuts and plan a response for survival. Later in the year, PPEHRC received another Opportunity Fund grant to organize poor people and their families in a “March for Our Lives” starting in Kensington and ending in Washington, DC. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram

POWER (Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower, and Rebuild) received a grant to offset costs incurred to respond to the unjust arrest of two Black men at a local Starbucks| Website | Facebook | TwitterInstagram

Reconstruction Inc. hosted a coalition building meeting with other groups working on mass incarceration to build support for the Fight for Lifers Sponsor-A-Vote project. | Website | Facebook

Senior to Senior Community Outreach hosted a series of community forums to discuss food insecurity amongst seniors.

Soil Generation sent youth members to the AgroYouth Encounter at Black Dirt Farm. The AgroYouth Encounter is rooted in the struggles of Black and Brown people and provides an opportunity for young people to deepen their understanding of history, build practical skills, and come together to heal. | Website | Facebook | Instagram

Successful Women Achieving Goals (SWAG) hosted a workshop with Women Organized Against Rape and EEOA on equal pay, sexual harassment, and workplace discrimination. | Website | Facebook

St. Daniel’s Ray of Hope Community Development Corporation held their annual Juneteenth celebration in Chester commemorating the implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Teacher Action Group held an education and liberation conference, “Connecting the Dots: Building Solidarity to Transform our City and Schools,” which focused on building solidarity across movements for justice. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Till Arts Project co-directors attended the Arts Advocacy Day: The National Arts Action Summit in Washington, DC in March 2018 to make connections and gain skills in using art for social change. | Facebook | Twitter

Urban Creators purchased stage and sound equipment to use at their annual Hoodstock festival and to lend to their partners and allies throughout the year. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Urban Tree Connection youth members attended the Rooted in Community National Youth Leadership Summit in Greensboro, NC, where they connected with other youth leaders working to create a just food system by centering the experiences and leadership from within communities of color.  | Website | Facebook | Twitter

West Philadelphia Mennonite Fellowship hosted a one-day training on systemic racism to build their shared language and understanding of racism and how it manifests in our society. | Website | Facebook

Phoebus Criminal Justice Initiative Grantees

The Phoebus Criminal Justice Initiative is a fund that gives grants to organizations that address the root causes of the crises within our criminal justice system. You can learn more about eligibility criteria and see past grantees.

Address This!, a project of Books Through Bars, provides innovative, radical educational courses via correspondence to individuals currently incarcerated throughout Pennsylvania. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Amistad Law Project is a prison abolition legal organization that provides legal services to incarcerated people and organizes for community restorative justice. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Ardella’s House is a transitional program established to address pressing issues of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Juntos combines leadership development, community organizing, and coalition building to help their community members become leaders in the fight for human rights and impact policies that affect the Latino immigrant community. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram| Youtube

Lifers, Inc. is organizing and training college students and Prison Society conveners to conduct parole eligibility educational forums throughout Pennsylvania. | Website | Facebook

Reconstruction, Inc. is a constituent-led organization advancing racial, economic, and environmental justice by politicizing returning citizens, organizing young people, and educating members. | Website | Facebook

Urban Creators is a grassroots organization rooted in North Philadelphia that transforms neglected landscapes into dynamic, safe spaces that foster connectivity and self-sufficiency. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Why Not Prosper is a faith-based grassroots organization that helps formerly incarcerated women find employment and housing, reunite with their children, and not return to prison.  | Website | Twitter

Youth Art & Self-empowerment Project (YASP) is a youth-led organization that empowers currently and formerly incarcerated young people through artistic expression, political education, and leadership development. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project (YSRP) works to transform the experiences of children prosecuted in the adult criminal justice system and aims to eliminate the practice of sentencing children as adults. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

Racial & Economic Justice Fund Grantees

The Racial & Economic Justice Fund supports groups that are engaged in direct-action community organizing in the Philadelphia region to promote racial and economic justice at the local, state, national, or international policy levels. You can learn about eligibility criteria and see past grantees.

Amistad Law Project is a prison abolition legal organization that provides legal services to incarcerated people and organizes for community restorative justice. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Black Lives Matter Philadelphia is an all-volunteer group organizing to build local power to disrupt the structural violence inflicted on Black communities in the forms of extrajudicial state violence, mass incarceration, and economic disinvestment. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

El Comité de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agrícolas (CATA) is a migrant farmworker and low-wage immigrant worker organization that is building power to win better working and living conditions. | Website | Facebook | Twitter

Trans Equity Project at Galaei advocates for, organizes, and builds the leadership of trans communities and individuals in Philadelphia. | Website | Facebook

Juntos combines leadership development, community organizing, and coalition building to help their community members become leaders in the fight for human rights and impact policies that affect the Latino immigrant community.| Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube

PhillySUN at Media Mobilizing Project fights for long-term education justice across the city of Philadelphia, emphasizing the direct participation of students, parents, school staff, and community members. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Philadelphia Community Bail Fund posts bail for residents who cannot afford to pay bail and organizes for the abolition of bail and pretrial detention in our city. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Soil Generation is a Black-led coalition of growers building a grassroots movement for food sovereignty through advocacy, organizing, and community education. | Website | Facebook | Instagram

T.U.F.F. Girls creates spaces for Black and Latina girls to organize their political resistance and celebrate inclusive sisterhood. | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Youth Art & Self-empowerment Project (YASP) is a youth-led organization that empowers currently and formerly incarcerated young people through artistic expression, political education, and leadership development. | Website | Facebook | Twitter