Tag Archives: racial justice

Black Liberation Now Fund

Source: Flickr via Joe Piette

The roots of our organization are in lifting up and providing financial support to radical leadership for Black liberation. In the decades since our founding, we have never wavered from our primary mission of funding grassroots community organizing, especially Black organizers and other organizers of color.

The Black Liberation Now Fund is a special initiative at Bread & Roses Community Fund that made one-time $10,000 grants to 50 Black-led grassroots community organizing groups in the Philadelphia region.

See our full list of grantees here.

Check out this October 13 Philadelphia Inquirer article covering the Black Liberation Now Fund by Samantha Melamed!

“Community organizing is what creates sustainable change. Our goal is creating a just society and movements are going to get us there. Those movements need money to make it happen.”

Casey Cook, executive director