2019 Tribute to Change: Cultivating New Futures

At the 2019 Tribute to Change, we honored leaders and community groups who inspire our movements by offering compelling, positive alternatives to unjust systems.

The Tribute to Change was held at the National Museum of American Jewish History on October 17, 2019.

There are lots of fun things to explore from the evening’s festivities:

We also invite you to dig deeper into the Cultivating New Futures theme by exploring our collection of books, podcasts, music, and other media that inspire us to build new worlds.


Francisco Cortes Emerging Leader Award
Nancy Dung Nguyen Trailblazer Award
Ron Whitehorne Paul Robeson Lifetime Achievement Award
Kara Tennis Robin Hood Was Right Award
Philadelphia Coalition for Affordable Communities Victory Is Ours Award
Urban Creators Victory Is Ours Award

Learn more about the 2019 honorees here.


Nancy and Terence Culleton
Jane Koppelman
Kate Poole

Cutest Cohort (2018-19 Gender Justice Giving Project)
Connie and Terry Dellmuth
Steve and Barbara Gold
Ross Hoffman and Elsa Waldman
Philly Resource Generation Alumni

Lis and Stu Bass
Claneil Foundation
Jolley Bruce Christman
Pathways to Housing PA

Boston Trust Walden
Drick and Cynthia Boyd
Casey Cook and Shauna Swartz
Jeff Frankl
Patrice R. Green
Alice J. Hausman and Jesse A. Berlin
Rebecca Johnson and Lawrence Weisberg
Jennifer Jordan and Rose White
Liberty Resources, Inc.
Jennifer Lyman and Gregory Schmidt
Ezra Berkley Nepon
Sara Nerken
Claiborne S. Newlin
JoAnn Seaver and Bill Van Stone
Andrew Stober and Keren Sofer
Julia Stone
Urban Affairs Coalition
Ann Weigand and Alan Hedges
Sara and Charles White

AFSCME District Council #47
AMJ Foundation
Barbara Attie
Richard and Mary Ann Baron
Gene Bishop and Andrew Stone
Norma and David Blecker
Marty Brigham and Harriet Rubenstein
Cathryn Coate
Branch Coslett and Janet Goldwater
Thomas Earle
William Ewing
Harvey Finkle and Bonnie Prest-Thal
Gloria M. Gilman, Esq.
Mary Goldman
Juniper Street, 1400 Block South
Kairys, Rudovsky, Messing, Feinberg, & Lin, LLP
Vanessa Lowe
Erika Owens
Lynn McHenry and Arthur Patchefsky
Piscitello Law, P.C.
Radix Charitable Giving
Rebecca Rathje and David Murphy
Len Rieser and Fernando Chang-Muy
Susan Schewel
Lizzy Schmidt
Judy and Ken Weinstein
Women’s Community Revitalization Project
Nancy Wygant

215 People’s Alliance
Carolyn T. Adams
Rebecca Alpert and Christie Balka
Daniel Bang
Dennis Barnebey
Judith Bernstein-Baker
Pauline R. Boyce
Amadee Braxton
John Braxton
Judy Buchanan and Jim Parker
Canopy Consulting, Inc.
Kelley Collings
Dr. Harry Cooper
Peggy and Mark Curchack
Caroline W.B. Cuthbert
Lyn Davis
Dana Devon
Patty Eakin
Helen Evelev
Jill Feldstein
Murray Gerstenhaber
Elicia Gonzales
Christopher Harris and Therese Giglia
Margaret Harris
Nadia Hewka and Jon Jolles
Mytili R. Jagannathan
Aarati Kasturirangan and Jonathan Lipman
Larry Holman

David and Becky Hornbeck
Jean Hunt and Mas Nakawatase
Leroy and Johnetta Jordan
Gary Kapanowski
Maura Kelly
Sylvia W. Lieberman
Jack Malinowski
Frederica Massiah-Jackson
Page Morahan
Ruth Ost
Pembroke Philanthropy Advisors
Morgan Plant
Dina H. Portnoy
Tim Potts and Lu Conser
Bonnie Raines
Sevgi B. Rodan
Hal and Sue Rosenthal
Amy Sadao and Thomas Devaney
Scott and Nan Langen Steketee
DJ Thornton
Charles Thrall and Sally Simmons
Walter Tsou
Susan Whitehorne-Rusten and Bob Rusten
Judy Wicks
Nancy Wieman
Nina Wong
Carrie Young and Arun Prabhakaran
Ruth P. Zager, M.D.
Susan and Eric Zerbe

Planning Committee

Yahya Alazrak
Barbara Attie
Richard Baron
Thomas Earle
Lauren Hunter
Sara Jacobson
Jennifer Jordan

Nora Lichtash
Lynn McHenry
Nisha Nayak
Ezra Berkley Nepon
Farrah Parkes
Ha Pham

Bonnie Raines
Arthur Sharon
Nan Langen Steketee
Kara Tennis
DJ Thornton
Katherine (Kat) Walden

About the Tribute to Change

The Tribute to Change is Bread & Roses’ annual gathering honoring local social change heroes. Explore past events here.