2023 Gender Justice Giving Project

From July through December, the 2023 Gender Justice Giving Project is raising money to make grants for the Gender Justice Organizing Fund.

Like all Giving Projects at Bread & Roses, the 2023 Gender Justice Giving Project brings together a group of people from across race, class, age, and gender who share a vision for social justice and want to apply their time, talent, and resources to supporting movements for change.

Members of the 2023 Gender Justice Giving Project

Subham Basu
Sarah Bishop-Stone
Ashley Chonka
Tulsi Davis
Becca Feidelson

Kristin Fulton
Martha Griffin
Barb Hadley
Héc Maldonado-Reis
Abby McCartney

Abbas Naqvi
Kabria Rogers
Sarah Singer-Quast
Ellen Steele
Rex Yin

Learn more about Giving Projects at Bread & Roses.